One thing that is commonly made fun of when thinking about the idea of being a freelance illustrator is this: Is it really worth it? Does being a freelance artist actually make sense in today’s economy? The truth is, no matter what your particular field happens to be – illustrations, paintings, graphic design, printmaking – if you do it for yourself, you will always have job security. This is not to say that you won’t ever have job uncertainty or be without a contract; however, if you are working for someone else, you can at least take heart from knowing that you will always have steady work no matter what happens. Let’s explore some more pros of being a freelance artist:
Pro one: If you are an artist who doesn’t have a portfolio to show prospective buyers, or if your work is too small, you won’t get much business. Don’t think that just because you’re only making yours at home that no one will ever take notice. It has to be stated up front – paint dragons and knights for a living, or figure out how to draw a dragon in 3D that actually shows all of its features – and yes, you can do this, too! Do not be afraid of showcasing your work. Just think of how many freelance galleries and art organizations would be interested in having your gorgeous illustrations on their walls.
Pro two: You’ll be getting a lot of practice. As a freelancer, you will be doing a lot of research – writing about your chosen subject, spending a lot of time online, checking out what other artists are doing, thinking about new styles and techniques – and you’ll be putting these all together in your work every day. You’ll be forced to develop skills, to work with different media, to think out of the box.
Pro three: No one can tell you what your limitations are. For example, I’m an illustrator, so I don’t have to worry about dimensionally accuracy or the like. I can draw what comes to my mind – no limitations.
Pro four: If you’re doing your research and digging deep, you can find great freelance art jobs online. Check out Artstruck, Odesk, Ragged, Baucamp etc. They’re not only full of great artists, they also offer training – how to do various things with your art. There’s no need to limit yourself to what the “big boys” are doing. Take a look at what’s out there, and then do something special.
Pro-five: Not only will you build up a portfolio of art that impresses customers and peers, but you will also learn to love painting. You will become a better, more complete artist as a result. You will make friends and possibly even earn money as a result of your efforts. All these benefits of becoming a painter. So go ahead and rock the art world!

Noah Fletcher is a writer and design enthusiast who focuses on exploring the world of visual creativity, from contemporary illustrations to innovative design trends. His work highlights inspiring projects, creative techniques, and the stories behind artists and their craft.